Deonar Centre
Deonar centre functions in a big place (area 3236 sq. mtrs) allocated to IDA India by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), under the directions of the Hon?ble Bombay High Court. This place was meant to be a dog pound for killing street dogs by giving electric shocks: it was mandatory to keep them alive for 3 days, in case any citizen came to claimed them, thus 10 kennels were constructed to house them.
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Navi Mumbai Centre
Our Navi Mumbai center is smaller than the Deonar centre and is located in Turbhe of Vashi. In this center we have a total staff strength of 37 persons; 33 wardboys, 2 vets & 2 LSS. Besides this, we have 3 ambulances for catching and 3 smaller vans.
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Panvel Centre
New Panvel area, which lies adjacent to Navi Mumbai, too was developed by CIDCO and similar to Navi Mumbai, the stray dog population began to increase as expected. Therefore, CIDCO, seeing the success of the spay/neuter programme in Navi Mumbai, started the programme in CIDCO governed areas of Panvel district.
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