Panvel Centre
New Panvel area, which lies adjacent to Navi Mumbai, too was developed by CIDCO and similar to Navi Mumbai, the stray dog population began to increase as expected. Therefore, CIDCO, seeing the success of the spay/neuter programme in Navi Mumbai, started the programme in CIDCO governed areas of Panvel district. We got the contract and started work in December 2012. The area consisted of; Kharghar, Kalamboli, Kamothe, Ulawe, Taloja and New Panvel area. Our work area consisted of urban and rural nodes also. It is third amongst our centers in terms of size. By the end of 2017, CIDCO had moved out of most of the nodes and handed it over to the newly formed Panvel Municipal Corporation. We are presently working in the non-municipal areas only; Ulawe, Dronagiri and Karanjade. There is a total of 9 staff at this centre; 1 vet, 1 manager, 5 wardboys and 2 drivers. We have two ambulances; one large and one small omni van here. On an average, we have 110-120 admitted dogs at this centre. Here our main work is the spay/neuter programme and to the extent the space permits, also admit a few accident and sickness cases. The CIDCO partly financially supports the spay/neuter programme financially and all other calls for sick and injured dogs and their caretaking is raised through donations.