• Deonar Center: +91 9320056581
  • Turbhe Center: +91 9320056585
  • Panvel Center: +91 9320056589
  • Mon-Sat: 9am-4pm
  • Two decades
    in the service
    of animals

    In Defense of Animals
  • Caring for
    those without
    a voice

    In Defense of Animals
  • Sharing the
    message of

    In Defense of Animals

IDA is a non profit grass root level animal protection organisation, dedicated towards establishing and defending the rights of all non-human living creatures.

Take Action! Help us achieve this noble mission.

Make A Donation

Help us by making a donation
Donate generously so we can take care of our animal friends through our various initiatives and rescues


Sponsor an animal at our shelter
The sponsorship will go towards the care of the animal and regular updates for the same will be provided to you.


Take home a new family member
Nothing brings more joy and satisfaction than to provide a forever home to one of our little wards.

Latest Stories

A glimpse of what's happening at IDA.

How To Choose The Right Pet Dog For Your Family?

Congratulations on deciding to bring a new family member into your family…. Choosing a pet...
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Dog rescued by our Turbhe Centre

  It was early Sunday morning. A distress call came in from Jimi Towers Kopark...
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Pomeranian dog ‘Tuffy’

On 26th march, we received a call from BMC to rescue a Pomeranian dog named ‘Tuffy’, whos...
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Special Projects

Special initiatives and projects we have undertaken aside from our everyday work

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