On Ganesh Chaturti in September 2007, a reporter from DNA called up and told us about this case of 'Rani' the boxer. The picture on the cover speaks for itself, but I would like to add that she was even peeing worms...and entire left eye was eaten up....she belonged to an Income-Tax officer Jay Kumar, who did not have any use of her after breeding and selling her pups for 11 years. It took me close to 10 hrs to file a criminal complaint against him, but I did it finally. Case still to come up for hearing, and a long fight ahead for us. Rani stays with us for a week, gained some strength and stood up, before passing away into a better world. The good news is that on 14th July 2008, Mr. Jay Kumar was arrested and then released on bail, according to the law of the land, but it was somewhat of a victory for us, a class I Govt. Officer arrested formally for abusing an animal - a big achievement in India!
Naina Athale