A month or so old pomerian pup was dumped on a busy main road of Thane. By the time we rescued her she had suffered head injuries which has swelled up her head. The injuries were irreversible. Her little brain was damaged beyond repair.
An injury to a tiny animal, but it is in effect a huge injury to humanity... Its very upseting to us at IDA-India, and we feel such impotent anger and helplessness..today I had to tell our vet to let her go in peace...he's upset too, doesnt like to take the decision to put to sleep a pup..and why? why do we have to go through this pain? because some selfish self centered human being could think of only of his/her own comfort. When will humanity ever realise that true comfort is in helping, in having made a difference to this world, in justifying your existance...if only we all looked into our souls more often.